My memories of the Queen

My memories of the Queen

Queen Elizabeth

“I have in sincerityaufrichtig, in aller Aufrichtigkeitin sincerity pledge oneself to sth.sich zu etw. verpflichten, bekennenpledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to sth.nach etw. strebenstrive to be worthywürdigworthy of your trust.”
Queen Elizabeth II at her coronationKrönungcoronation in June 1953.

Elizabeth II has died aged 96. She became monarch in February 1952 – her coronation took place in June of the following year – and was as on the throne for longer than any other British king or queen. This year, she celebrated her platinum jubileePlatin-Jubiläum; 70-Jahr-Feierplatinum jubilee after seven decades of service to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth realmKönigreichRealms.


Spotlight editors and authors share personal memories of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.