Community spirit

    Spotlight Audio 3/2017
    Typisches englisches Pub in London.
    © AlexKozlov/
    Von Inez Sharp

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    Transcript: Community spirit

    Now it’s time for Peggy’s Place, and things are getting political at our favourite London pub.

    Jane: Hi, George! How are you?
    George: Mustn’t to grumblemurren, meckerngrumble.
    Jane: You don’t sound very cheerful. What’s up?
    George: Oh, the usual: too much work, a useless boss...    
    Jane: What you need is a drink. What can I get you?  
    George: A pint of bitter, please. Where are Phil and Peggy?  
    Jane: Oh, they’ve gone to the cinema. You’ll have to to put up with jmdm. vorliebnehmenput up with me behind the bar tonight.   
    Helen: Hey, Jane! Nice to see you. Hello, George!
    Jane: Before you ask, Mum and Phil are at the cinema. They’ve gone to see Viceroy’s House.
    George: Isn’t that a film about the Mountbattens’ time in India?
    Jane: Don’t ask me. I just serve the drinks.    
    Helen: Yes, it’s one of those lovely period dramahistorischer Filmperiod dramas. It can’t have been much of a not be much of a stretch (ifml.)hier: kein wesentlicher Unterschied seinstretch for Hugh Bonneville to go from Lord Grantham in Downton Abbey to Lord Mountbatten in this film.   
    Jane: Oooh! Then I might go and see it. Hugh Bonneville is quite fit.  
    George: Jane! He’s old enough to be your father.
    Jane: Yes, the sexy older man.  
    Helen: I think you’ll find there’s quite a lot of politics in the film. It’s all about the partitionTeilungpartition of India.
    Jane: Is India two countries? When did that happen?
    George: Before your time, Jane. The partition created India and Pakistan.  
    Jane: Whatever.
    Helen: Speaking of politics, I’m seriously thinking of becoming a local councillor for our borough (UK)Gemeinde, Bezirkborough.   
    George: Why would you do that?    
    Helen: I think it was Barack Obama’s last speech as president back in January. He said one thing that really stuck in my mind about all of us being “guardianHüter(in)guardians of democracy”.
    George: Still, I’ve heard it’s a lot of work being a councillor.
    Helen: You know, in my job as a community nurseGemeindeschwestercommunity nurse, I hear a lot of moaningJammernmoaning: about the state of our streets, about high noise levels, about unreliable public transport...  
    Jane: People just want to talk.  
    Helen: I don’t think that’s true, and often I think they’re right. But no one’s prepared to do anything about it.
    George: So, it’s Helen to the rescue, is it?   
    Jane: What exactly would you be doing?   
    Helen: Well, I have to be elected first.    
    George: As a Labour councillorGemeinderat, -rätincouncillor?    
    Helen: No, as an independent. I don’t want the hassleÄrger, Scherereihassle of party politics. And I’m not sure there’s any one party out there that represents my views.
    Jane: OK, let’s say you get chosen. What then?  
    Helen: Elected, not chosen. Well, remember when you said last month that there was no proper lighting on the alley behind your house, and you were worried about Simone walking along there in the dark?  
    Jane: Yeah, it’s a bloody disgraceSchandedisgrace. It would just take two lights…
    Helen: I could to look into sth.etw. prüfenlook into that and see what can be done.
    Jane: What’s the money like?  
    George: You don’t get paid, do you?
    Helen: Well, I’d get a “member’s allowanceEntschädigungallowance”. It’s a few thousand quid (UK ifml.)(britisches) Pfundquid.  
    Jane: A few thousand! Show me where, and I’ll to sign upsich anmeldensign up, too.


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