Welcome to the new Spotlight website

    Chefredakteurin Inez Sharp
    Von Inez Sharp

    Welcome to the new Spotlight website. Our redesign is for you, the German-speaking learner of English. This is where you will get a taste of what Spotlight magazine, Spotlight Audio and exercise booklet plus have to offer.

    What will you find here?

    Intuitive design. The new look makes it easy for you to find all of your favourite Spotlight magazine rubrics — and discover new ones. We have optimized the layout for use on tablets and smartphones.

    Colourful content. Enjoy a rich mix of travel, culture and language stories from around the English-speaking world. In every story you will see that certain words have been highlighted in blue. Simply select the highlighted wordWortword to get its translation.

    Interactive exercises and tests. These work on mobile devices, too. Get your daily dose of English by doing an exercise on your phone as you travel to work. Do you prefer to listen to English? No problem: enjoy a selection of stories in audio format — with a transcript, naturally.

    Vocabulary trainer. Do you have trouble with the same words time and again? Then try our new vocabulary trainer, free as part of the website. Collect vocabulary and test yourself until you are word perfect; the system of repetition that helps you to learn and remember has been created by experts.

    Products for learning. Take a look at what’s new in the magazine or in one of our other products, such as the Plus exercise booklet or the Spotlight Audio listening programme. You’ll find information on all the Spotlight products on the website, too.

    If you are a premium customer, you will be able to access all the archived material in the premium area as you have done in the past. Of course, there is also a download section on our new website, where you will, for example, find the vocabulary list.

    Language learning should be a positive and rewarding experience. We have created the new Spotlight Online website with exactly that in mind.

    Finally, keep coming back! Spotlight Online is a work in progress. You’ll see changes and improvements all the time.

    Happy learning!

    Inez Sharp, editor-in-chief