We are well into 2019, but recently I read about state laws that to go into effectin Kraft tretenwent into effect at the start of the year. Some, such as increasing the minimum wageMindestlohnminimum wage or better gun control, were passed in many different states. Others, however, are more unusual.
Illinois, for example, has expanded the wardrobe options for deer hunterHirschjäger(in)deer hunters. In the past, they had to wear orange for safety reasons, but they can now choose to wear pink instead. Can you just picture those manly hunters heading into the woods dressed in hot pink?
Vermont has a new way of attracting people to move to this bucolicländlich, idyllischbucolic state. Those who can convince their boss in another state to let them work remotelyaus der Ferneremotely from Vermont might be able to collect up to $10,000 to help cover moving and office set-up expensesEinrichtungskostenset-up expenses. They will need to act quickly, however, since the program is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the budgeted amount for this year is only $125,000.
A new law in Ohio requires that students learn cursiveSchreibschriftcursive by the end of fifth grade. Today’s kids are fantastic on the keyboard, but many cannot write in cursive. Ohio obviously feels that these writing skills are important to children’s education. Without them, how can they sign their names or read historical documents such as old family letters? Studies have also shown that children who learn cursive are better readers and be a better spellerbesser im Buchstabieren seinspellers.
In Connecticut any pickle you buy will bounce when dropped from a height of one foot
In researching this article, I also discovered some bizarre state laws that took effect well before this year. In Arkansas, for example, those who to mispronouncefalsch aussprechenmispronounce the state’s name may find themselves in trouble. I can see why people might pronounce it in the same way as “Kansas,” a nearby state. But Kansas is pronounced as you might expect, KANzis, whereas Arkansas is, by law, pronounced ARkansaw (and not ArKANzis). If you’re in Connecticut, you should know that any pickle (N. Am.)Essiggurkepickle you buy will to bounceaufhüpfen, abprallenbounce when dropped from a height of one foot. This is proof of its quality, it would seem. Of course, you might not want to eat it after you’ve done this bounce test, but that’s a different issue.
Just so that you know before you go: If you order fried chicken in Gainesville, Georgia, you are required to eat it with your fingers. The law was made as a publicity stuntWerbegagpublicity stunt in the 1960s and is still in effect. In New Jersey, as in all states, murder is illegal. But if you’re wearing a bulletproof vestkugelsichere Westebulletproof vest when you to commitbegehencommit that murder, you’re in even more serious trouble.
Last, but not least, another Vermont law states that there can never be a law to prohibitverbieten, untersagenprohibiting the use of clotheslineWäscheleineclotheslines — yes, a law prohibiting a law. Good to know that those employees who move to Vermont to work at home will have a lovely view of their laundryWäschelaundry blowing in the breezeBrise, Lufthauchbreeze. How bucolic!
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