Keep calm and carry on killing

    Spotlight 4/2017
    © parema/

    After Rick Washington told the police about the criminal activity of his brother-in-law Sid Bates, Washington and his wife and daughter were taken into a witnessZeugenwitness protection programme and given new identities. Now, though, it seems that Washington’s secret is out. What at first looks like an attempted burglaryversuchter Einbruchattempted burglary of the family flat in Manchester turns out to be something more ominousunheilvollominous — especially when the burglar is found dead.

    Killed by a blow to the head, he is discovered on a path by one of the city’s canals. Keep Calm and Carry on Killing is a new story in Compact Verlag’s series of crime readers. Every page has either a language tip, an exercise or a background note. In some cases, the exercises are integrated into the story. A clever way to improve one’s language-learning experience.

    You can have a look into the book and order Keep calm and carry on killing at our Sprachenshop.

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