Just plogging along

    Easy US
    Spotlight 6/2018
    © praetorianphoto/iStock.com

    Scandi trend (ifml.)Trend aus SkandinavienScandi trends arrive on the scene each season: last winter, there was hygge, Danish for “cozygemütlich, behaglichcozy,” which inspired a desire for blankets and candles. This summer, it’s “plogging,” combining the Swedish plocka upp, meaning “pick up”, with “jogging.” If you go for a run, or so the trend dictates, take a bag and collect litterAbfällelitter from the ground as you go.

    “I’m not going to just let litter sit there. I’m not going to just walk past that plastic bottle,” Emily Wright told The Washington Post. “It’s not that I don’t think it’s gross (ifml.)widerlich, schlechtgross to pick it up. I do. But I also think it’s gross for a person to not take responsibility for it.” Wright finds mostly old cigarettes and plastic containers, but also diaper (N. Am.)Windeldiapers, which she says “to turn sb.'s stomachjmdm. den Magen umdrehenturn my stomach the most.”

    According to one fitness app, 30 minutes of plogging burns more calories than just jogging, while giving the “plogger” a feeling of having done something good for the community and the environment.


    See ploggers in action in this news report:

    Quelle: YouTube

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