The Great Fire of London

    Spotlight 9/2016
    Brand von London 1666/Radierung von Jan Luyken (1649-1712).
    © akg-images
    Von Toby Skingsley

    Was it a French plotVerschwörung, Komplottplot or an attack by the DutchNiederländer(in)Dutch? At the time, there were many theories about who had started the Great Fire of London on 2 September 1666. The likely cause was simply a fire at a bakery in Pudding Lane. The blazeBrandblaze soon spread from the bakery, and London’s wooden buildings and a strong wind made it almost impossible to stop the inferno.

    It burned for four days, destroying more than 13,000 buildings and leaving 100,000 people homeless


    It burned for four days, destroying more than 13,000 buildings, including St Paul’s Cathedral, and it left 100,000 people homeless. A scapegoatSündenbockscapegoat was needed, and Frenchman Robert Hubert was hanged for starting the fire. But he probably wasn’t even in London at the time. The Monument, a column built in the 1670s near the spot where the fire began, still stands today and provides a great view across London.

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