Cape Town, art town

    Spotlight 12/2017
    Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art
    © Iwan Baan

    They’re calling it the “Tate Modern of Africa”, a 100-gallery art campus that opened this autumn in Cape Town. The Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA) is the product of a partnership between the V&A Waterfront district, the museum’s location, and German business superstar Jochen Zeitz.

    The Mannheim-born executive, former boss of Puma sporting goods, is known for his interest in socially responsible capitalism. He’s currently partnered with Sir Richard Branson on a progressive project called Team B. Art is another passion. For 15 years now, Zeitz has been acquiring contemporary African works, creating a collection of such import that it called for a dedicatedzweckbestimmtdedicated museum space. 

    English architect Thomas Heatherwick was to tap (ifml.)auswählen, anzapfentapped to transform a historic grain-storage facilityKornspeicher, Getreidelagergrain-storage facility on the waterfrontHafengegend, Uferbereichwaterfront into a world-class exhibition venueVeranstaltungsortvenue. The challenge lay in repurposing the 42 silos into glass-topped museum spaces. 

    Artists to featuredarbieten, ausstellenfeatured include Frances Goodman of South Africa, Edson Chagas of Angola and Frohawk Two Feathers from the US, an African American who is one of many artists representing the African diasporaVerstreuung eines Volksdiaspora.


    Take a closer look at the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa

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