Forests have a magic and mystery that have enrichbereichernenriched our lives for many centuries. From mighty oakEicheoaks to slenderschlankslender rowans, trees are part of Britain’s folklore and culture.
Woodlands represent only an eighth of the total land area of the UK, and ancient forest makes up just 2.5 per cent of all tree cover. However, millions of trees are currently being planted across the country.
Whether you visit forests as places in which to strollschlendern, spazierenstroll and reflect, to spot wildlife or to ride, hike or bike, simply being there is rewarding and it’s something you can do all year round.
Here are three enchantingbezauberndenchanting UK forests for you to explore and enjoy.
Galloway Forest Park
Dumfries and Galloway
Scotland is home to seven of the ten biggest forests in the UK. Largest of them all is Galloway Forest Park, in south west Scotland. Stretching from coast to mountaintops, it covers 780 square kilometres.
Galloway Forest Park includes some rare Atlantic woodlandAtlantischer RegenwaldAtlantic woodland and Celtic rainforest, and it’s home to a huge range of plants and animals. These include rare lichen Flechtelichens, wild goatZiegegoats, otters, golden eagleSteinadlergolden eagles and Britain’s largest land mammalLandsäugetierland mammal, the red deerRotwildred deer.
The best scenery at night is found by looking up: the forest is a recognized International Dark Sky Park. On a clear night, it’s possible to see more than 7,000 stars and planets with the naked eye – the bright band of the Milky WayMilchstraßeMilky Way stretching across the night sky.
The park is criss-crosseddurchkreuztcriss-crossed by biking and hiking trails, and offers rock and ice climbing, fishing lakes and birdwatching hidehier: Ansitzhides. Three visitor centres provide activities and maps, with play parks for younger children.
Stay at the Crown Hotel in Newton Stewart and eat there, or at the nearby Riverbank Restaurant, in Goods Lane.

Sherwood Forest
This ancient forest is full of legends. The most famous are those of Robin Hood, a heroic medieval outlawGesetzlose(r)outlaw who’s said to have hidden here. According to the stories, Hood robbed the rich and gave their money and jewels to the poor, during the turbulent 12th-century rule of King John.
As one of Europe’s largest ancient oak woodlands, Sherwood Forest is living history. Generations of Sherwood oaks have been used in structureBauwerkstructures as diverse as the roof of St Paul’s Cathedral and the ships of Horatio Nelson’s fleet.
Don’t miss the enormous Major Oak. It’s believed to be at least 1,000 years old and is said to have sheltered Robin Hood and his band of merry menfröhliche Gefährtenmerry men. Alongside the oaks today are sweet chestnut (tree)Esskastaniesweet chestnut, birch (tree)Birkebirch, pine (tree)Kieferpine and beech treeBuchebeech trees. This is a National Nature Reserve, full of rare wildlife, including deer and longhorn cattleLanghornrinderlonghorn cattle that grazebeweidengraze the vegetation.
Located a little more than 30 kilometres north of Nottingham, Sherwood Forest is surrounded by historic villages, including Edwinstowe. The Forest Lodge Hotel offers comfortable rooms and tasty food, and is just a short walk from the forest entrance.
Forest of Dean and Puzzlewood
Lying between the River Severn in Gloucestershire and the Welsh border, the Forest of Dean is like a mythical wooded island.
Inhabited since Mesolithic times, the forest’s natural beauty is scarredgezeichnetscarred by an industrial heritageErbeheritage that used to include coal mining. Follow one of the many trails that wind through the trees. You might even spot some of the wild boarWildschweinwild boar that live here.
The Forest of Dean is a place of the imagination, and nowhere more so than at Puzzlewood, on the south-west edge. Puzzlewood is an ancient woodland site, filled with lushüppig bewachsenlush greeneryVegetationgreenery, giant fernFarnferns, strange rock formations, caves, bridges and the remains of Roman iron oreEisenerziron-ore mining.
blanketedzugedeckt, überzogenBlanketed in thick green moss, Puzzlewood has inspired many writers, including J. R. R. Tolkien, as well as films and TV shows, such as The Secret Garden, Star Wars and Doctor Who. It’s busier than the rest of the forest but hugely atmospheric and well worth a visit.

Read about more enchanting forests in Spotlight 13/24!
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