A problem at work

    Spotlight Audio 4/2022
    Szene bei der Arbeit
    © Sylvia Wolf

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    Let’s really get to work! That’s right – we’re looking at vocabulary to do with jobs and the business world. You’ll hear each word in German first, and then in English. Just listen.

    German: Eigeninitiative ergreifen
    English: use your initiative
    German: nur das Allernotwendigste tun
    English: do the bare minimum
    German: sich besonders anstrengen
    English: go the extra mile
    German: bei einem Bewerbungsgespräch einen guten Eindruck machen
    English: come across well at an interview
    German: jemanden feuern
    English: give somebody the sack
    German: streiken, in Streik treten
    English: go on strike

    We’re going to listen to a conversation between a senior managerFührungskraft, Vorgesetzte(r)senior manager and a manager. Listen out for the words we’ve just learned.

    Senior manager: How are you getting on with your new team member?
    Manager: Craig? Oh, he’s a bit useless, to be honest. He never uses his initiative, he does the bare minimum, and the only time he goes the extra mile is to collect the takeaway coffees.
    Senior manager: Oh, dear! He came across so well at the interview. It sounds like we need to have a word with him at his next appraisal meetingMitarbeitergespräch, Beurteilungsgesprächappraisal meeting.
    Manager: We can’t give him the sack.
    Senior manager: Why not? He’s still in his probationary periodProbezeitprobationary period and it sounds like he’s not meeting our expectations.
    Manager: Because he sells home-made cakes in the foyerEingangsbereich, Eingangs­hallefoyer at break time. If you let him go, everyone will go on strike!

    Repeat the following words and phrases after me.

    Use your initiative. I shouldn’t always have to tell you what to do, use your initiative!

    Do the bare minimum. No company wants to hire employees who only do the bare minimum.

    Go the extra mile. Denise is always willing to go the extra mile to make a project work.

    Come across well at an interview. No matter what I say, I never seem to come across well at an interview.

    Give somebody the sack. Two workers got the sack for stealing from the warehouse.

    Go on strike. We’re going on strike for better pay and improved safety standards.

    I’m going to make some statements. In each pair, one is true and one is false. Listen and repeat the true statement.

    If you get the sack, you’re doing well in your job. – or – If you get the sack, you’ve lost your job.
    If you get the sack, you’ve lost your job.

    You might get the job if you come across well at the interview. – or – You probably won’t get the job if you come across well at the interview.
    You might get the job if you come across well at the interview.

    If you only do the bare minimum, you’re a hard worker. – or – If you only do the bare minimum, you’re a lazy worker.
    If you only do the bare minimum, you’re a lazy worker.

    If you go on strike, you’re happy with the situation at work. – or – If you go on strike, you’re unhappy with the situation at work.
    If you go on strike, you’re unhappy with the situation at work.

    Using your initiative means thinking for yourself. – or – Using your initiative means only following orders.
    Using your initiative means thinking for yourself.


    Illustration: Sylvia Wolf

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