Phrases and places

    Spotlight Audio 8/2023
    Mann mit Kohlen vor Schild in Richtung Newcastle
    © Georg Lechner

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    Transcript: Sayings and expressions

    There are many common expressions involving place names. Here are five examples. Listen carefully! We’ll be checking on how well you’ve understood these sayings.​

    ​“The luck of the Irish” means exceptionally good luck or fortune.​

    ​“To go Dutch” means to split the cost of something, typically a meal or an outing, with each person paying their share.​

    ​“Road to Damascus” refers to a profound and transformativeumformend, tiefgreifend verändernd​transformative experience or realization that leads to a significant change in one’s life or beliefs.​

    ​A “New York minute” refers to a very short amount of time, to emphasize sth.etw. betonen, hervorheben​emphasizing how quickly something is done or how short a time period is.​

    ​“To cross the Rubicon” means to make a significant or irreversibleunumkehrbar​irreversible decision or to take a bold step forward, usually with no turning back.​

    ​Now listen to these short dialogues and complete each sentence with the correct idiom. You’ll hear the answer after the pause. Let’s start.​

    ​A: I want to take you out for dinner to celebrate your promotion.​
    B: That’s really kind of you, but I insist on paying for myself.​
    A: OK, let’s ________________. Each pays for their own.​
    A: OK, let’s go Dutch. Each pays for their own.​

    A: Are we nearly there? How much further is it?​
    B: Don’t worry, we’ll be there in a ________________. It’s just around the corner.​
    B: Don’t worry, we’ll be there in a New York minute. It’s just around the corner.​

    ​A: How are your coaching sessions going?​
    B: Fabulous! This is my ________________. It feels as if my life has completely changed.​
    B: Fabulous! This is my Road to Damascus. It feels as if my life has completely changed.​

    ​A: Did she win the raffleTombola​raffle again?​
    B: Yes, she has ________________. She wins every prize going.​
    B: Yes, she has the luck of the Irish. She wins every prize going.​

    ​A: Are you sure you want to to quit sth.etw. aufgeben​quit your job and start your own business?​
    B: Yes, I’ve decided to ________________. I’m taking a big risk, but I believe it will lead to better opportunities.​
    B: Yes, I’ve decided to cross the Rubicon. I’m taking a big risk, but I believe it will lead to better opportunities.​

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